Friday, October 19, 2012

Beaver Boy

Mike had a day off work last week, but Bear's school was still in session, so we got to spend a day out with Beaver.  There is a park not far from our house with a ropeway, and every time we drive by Beaver asks to go.  Temperatures here have finally cooled down to autumn perfection, so it was a perfect day for the ropeway.

Beaver being a stinker and refusing to look at the camera.

Pedal car ride

Again, deliberately not looking at the camera.

So happy to be riding the lift by himself!

It was a fun day, and it was pretty cute, because Beaver was practically attached to Mike's side all day.  So happy to spend a day with his Daddy!

Beaver's preschool had their sports day on Saturday.

Beaver and Mike racing in the train race.

The "princess" carry.

He was running so funny - with his shoulders all hunched and swinging his arms up high.

Waiting for tug-o-war.

We love our Beaver boy!


kelsey said...

Cute! And I like the video of tug-o-war posted on your other site.

The Bowman Bunch said...

So fun! (and we love him, too!) :0)